Jennifer Pershing - Miss March 2009
Somers Point, NJ, USA | 35-27-37 | 5' 8" | 125 lbs.
Somers Point, NJ, USA | 35-27-37 | 5' 8" | 125 lbs.

The Good: Being at the bottom of the heap in Playmate rankings, you can't really hope to find a whole lot that is positive about Jennifer. You have to hand it to Playboy for trying to create a longer, more expansive pictorial that is more interesting, with a consistent theme.
The Bad: Jennifer is simply a girl who lacks any Playmate-type talent whatsoever. Her face is constantly plastered with a riddled, confused look with curious wide eyes. Her body is completely uninteresting, and is of a pale, boring color. She is simply not even close when it comes to being a true contender for any sort of award or accolade for the year.
Face: C
Body: C+
Talent: C-
Pictorial: B-
Overall: C-
Crystal Harris - Miss December 2009
Lake Havasu City, AZ, USA | 34D-25-35 | 5' 6" | 124 lbs.
Lake Havasu City, AZ, USA | 34D-25-35 | 5' 6" | 124 lbs.

The Good: There's not much good to say about Crystal, but if you must choose her high points, it's that she is a decent poser when she doesn't try too hard. When her passive posing mode is on, she looks mildly elegant, and her pictorial's lighting captures her body well. However, that only takes her so far.
The Bad: Crystal is by far one of the worst Playmates of 2009, and there are several reasons why. Her face is angular, and its structure is not attractive in many photos. Also, her body is an absolute disaster - a smorgasbord of plastic surgery mishaps and strange alterations. Her breasts, for example, look like mounds of plastic, and her entire body is just engineered to be "model-like." It's an absolute atrocity, combined with the fact that she has zero posing talent whatsoever. In fact, she simply holds an identical pose throughout. Definitely not even close to PMOY talent.
Face: C
Body: C
Talent: B-
Pictorial: B-
Overall: C+
#9 and 10
Karissa Shannon - Miss July 2009
Kristina Shannon - Miss August 2009
Ann Arbor, MI, USA | 34B-26-34 | 5' 10" | 125 lbs.
Ann Arbor, MI, USA | 34B-26-34 | 5' 10" | 125 lbs.

The Good: One thing that made the Shannon twins decently interesting was the fact that they do have a nice level of chemistry with each other. They are the most physical Playmate twins outside of the Bernaolas of 2000. They have a flirty nature in photographs, and even take it to a risque level at times. If they were only more attractive in general, their posing talent wouldn't be as easily overlooked.
The Bad: This brings us to the main issue... the looks. The Shannon twins are unfortunate archetypes of the modern model; tall, unbearably thin, and featureless. Their bodies resemble a barren desert, with small breasts, butts that are too tiny (unless they really concentrate on getting them attention), and generally boring faces. In short, the Shannons can easily join Crystal Harris as a couple of other Hefmate "busts" that should also have a shot at PMOY.
Face: B
Body: B-
Talent: B
Pictorial: B-
Overall: B-
Hope Dworaczyk - Miss April 2009
Port Lavaca, TX, USA | 34C-24-35 | 5' 6" | 126 lbs.
Port Lavaca, TX, USA | 34C-24-35 | 5' 6" | 126 lbs.

The Good: Hope demonstrates how deep this Playmate class really is. At #8, she is still a true contender for PMOY. Her slenderness and appealing height are a big draw, and her proportions while still being at such a model-like height are impressive. Add in the fact that she is leggy and radiant, and you have several great qualities and a potential to be a really stunning Playmate.
The Bad: The problem? Hope has only that: potential. Her pictorial was much less than stunning. She isn't a consistent poser at all, and her face often comes out strangely in her photos. Her pictorial ends on a strange and weak note (the basketball shots), and she never really takes off, taking too many prone shots and not enough that accentuate her height.
Face: B-
Body: B+
Talent: B
Pictorial: B-
Overall: B
Crystal McCahill - Miss May 2009
River Forest, IL, USA | 34DD-26-34 | 5' 7" | 125 lbs.
River Forest, IL, USA | 34DD-26-34 | 5' 7" | 125 lbs.

Crystal was another good entry in the 2009 class, strengthening the overall makeup of the group but not offering anything to really shine through. Crystal's lineage (her mother was 1968's Gale Olsen) was the primary factor putting her in this spot, but it was deserved nonetheless. Her photos are a pleasure to see, even though you may not walk away starstruck.
The Good: Crystal is an all-around good Playmate; nothing spectacular, but she's busty and curvy and offers a bit of eye candy because of her voluptuousness. Her larger 125 lb. frame makes her a different sort of Playmate than the others of the year, with a little more woman to look at. Her face is also attractive at times, but the inconsistency in her photos makes it tough for her to truly break through.
The Bad: Crystal isn't the most talented poser there has been this year, and her photos don't flow well enough to truly be memorable. She is a bit of an awkward poser in some of her shots. Also, her face has some stronger, more pronounced angles that aren't always very photogenic, so she loses some grace points there. Again, it's not that she ever does a truly terrible job, but she falls to the lower half of the class due to her lack of spark.
Face: B-
Body: B
Talent: B
Pictorial: B
Overall: B
Candice Cassidy - Miss June 2009
Portsmouth, OH, USA | 34C-24-36 | 5' 9" | 125 lbs.
Portsmouth, OH, USA | 34C-24-36 | 5' 9" | 125 lbs.

The Good: Candice's body is tough to compare to other Playmates in recent times. She has a tall frame, but has enough curviness to not come off as too slim. Her breasts are of ample size, but her butt is simply awesome. Her true strength, though, is not in her body (which is very well toned, by the way), but in her photogenic appearance. Her angelic face combined with her bright blond image makes her a true joy to look at, and her posing talent is certainly far above average. Her pictorial is varied and the themes are awesome, so she pulls off a wonderful month.
The Bad: Even at #6 this year, there's not a whole lot to complain about. However, if you have to know, Candice doesn't have the true starpower to place higher. Although she's amazing to look at, she doesn't have the memorable quality to allow her to truly make an impression. Her body could be a bit more curvy because she has such an elongated frame. Also, some of her full-frontal, bleached out shots come off as a bit unattractive because the cause her skin to look a bit pale. Still, a wonderful model overall.
Face: B+
Body: B+
Talent: B+
Pictorial: A-
Overall: B+
Lindsey Gayle Evans - Miss October 2009
Paris, TX, USA | 34C-24-36 | 5' 10" | 125 lbs.
Paris, TX, USA | 34C-24-36 | 5' 10" | 125 lbs.

At first glance, Lindsey Evans may look like your average blond Playmate. Though a bit more polished and poised, she still seems to be an average talent. However, when you look deeper, you see a girl who has the potential to even make a run at the 2010 PMOY title. That's how good Lindsey is, and it's not really only her looks that take her so far. It's more than that: it's the entire package.
The Good: There has been no Playmate pictorial in 2009 as intriguing, consistent, and complete as Lindsey's. You can credit a large part of it to her talent, but you also have to give props to the Playboy editors and photographers for their stellar work. Every photo has Lindsey at her best: her best poses, the best lighting, the most radiant colors emanating from her smooth body. The thematic quality is consistently great, constantly shifting, and most importantly, taking advantage of Lindsey's incredible height. Along those lines, Lindsey's body is nothing to sniff at. The sheer length of her legs is amazing, and is captured very well in her pictures. Her face, notably her eyes, is very intriguing, and she puts it all together with golden, flowing hair.
The Bad: Again, this class is so deep that some nitpicking is needed to find things wrong with the stellar models. However, although Lindsey's pictorial is very good, her posing isn't always on par. An awkward shot here and there can ruin her momentum, and as a model, she doesn't always play to her strengths, which lie along her length. She sometimes tries to contort too much to expose her width, which is certainly not what she should be highlighting. At times, her facial expressions can be sleepy and disinterested, ruining the shot.
Face: B+
Body: B+
Talent: B+
Pictorial: A+
Overall: A-