2008. március 4., kedd

Update on the Races

New developments on the soon-to-be-announced winners of the Playmate of the Year and Cyber Girl of the Year races occur every day. It's a tight one, and since the girls themselves give input into the status of the races through message boards, etc., we can get an interesting amount of speculation on potential winners and losers.

In the CGOY race, the top 5 in the polls are as follows:

1. Jennifer Hurt (24.86%)
2. Jo Garcia (17.68%)
3. Jillian Beyor (16.57%)
4. Patrycja Mikula (10.50%)
5. Mallory Dylan (8.84%)

Compare this to previous poll numbers:

1. J. Hurt - 22.78%
2. J. Beyor - 17.72%
3. J. Garcia - 17.09%
4. P. Mikula - 10.76%
5. M. Dylan - 9.49%

The numbers are more or less the same in terms of Jennifer Hurt's massive lead. While Jillian Beyor was in 2nd place last time, in a matter of weeks Jo Garcia has caught up and moved into the second slot, but still well off from Jennifer's commanding presence. It's clear that Miss Hurt is a steady fighter and a clear fan favorite. What's interesting is how little hype Jennifer has gotten while still being a major favorite. Meanwhile, there have been major campaigns for Jo and Jillian, but to no avail here.

In addition to poll numbers, there have been some rumors lately of Jennifer being absent from message boards and mysteriously disappearing for a period of time. It might be that she's lost and they don't want her to spill the beans, or it's likely that she has already won and is busy putting together her first spread. That's a very real possibility, since Jennifer has skyrocketed into popularity has certainly garnered her share of votes.

In the Playmates' race, things are a little less competitive, but also less clear. In terms of these girls, Brittany Binger is a major leader in fan polls, with one multiple choice poll showing these numbers:

1. Brittany Binger (62 votes)
2. Jayde Nicole (36 votes)
3. Spencer Scott (30 votes)
4. Lindsay Wagner (29 votes)
5. Tyran Richard (19 votes)

The astounding numbers on this poll are pretty interesting to watch. Brittany's lead of a whopping 26 votes over Jayde Nicole is insurmountable, and considering the once-thought level playing field of this PMOY race, it's very strange to see that so many fans are rallying behind one single model so heavily. It's been a gradual trend, however, that Brittany has gained popularity and acceptance among the community. I think that more and more people, over time, have embraced Brittany as a potential (and potentially spectacular) Playmate of the Year, and have taken to her accordingly.

Many are even starting to turn away from once-formidable Spencer Scott. When we last visited the polls back in January, Jayde and Spencer were tied for 2nd place in multiple choice polls with 27 votes to Brittany's 51. Although Miss Binger's lead was large back then, it was obvious that it was a three-way race. In official polls, Spencer was the clear 2nd place with about 17% to Brittany's 30%. Now, we see a troubling trend for Spencer, with less than half the votes of Brittany and falling behind Jayde, as well.

I believe the trend is due to the same factors that are putting Brittany so far ahead: more fans are moving away from Spencer and into a more mainstream, acceptable candidate. Spencer's lack of material and fight eventually drew fans away from her, that's what happened. Even Spencer herself initiated rumors of her drop and her eventual lack of relevance in the race.

Now, as the races are getting more and more one-sided, we can speculate and project winners in Jennifer Hurt and Brittany Binger. By the looks of the major leads these girls have, it would be highly disappointing to a majority of fans if they lost. Some things have changed since last time, as 2nd place surgers include Jo Garcia and Jayde Nicole, but they have plenty of ground to make up along the way. One thing is certain: both girls will have a lot to prove if they win, as this is certainly an overwhelming endorsement by fans.

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