I don't give enough attention to Cyber Girls of the Week, I know. But it's important for any good critic of Playboy girls to look at them. Why? Because that's where the talent comes from, of course. Playmates constantly earn fame from being CGOW's, then making leaps toward CGOM's, and the later jump to Playmate.
It's important to see the great talent in the CGOW world because lots of it goes unnoticed. There are some tough months where 2 or 3 girls are excellent. With that close competition, a great CGOW can be cast into oblivion after losing by only a couple hundred votes. That's where I'm making a stand.
Let's look back at a couple months and dissect close races. Were they good moves? Bad ones? What could the girls have done differently? Also, let's throw some predictions in for the past couple of months, and see if they come close (or if Playboy voters really are that smart).
February 2007 Jennifer Hurt (winner) vs. Veronica Tejada
The battle between Jennifer and Veronica was heated and interesting. The thing that put Jennifer over the top was her scorching pictorial theme, like you can see here. But I'll say, even though Jenny is a pretty girl with a great body that fits almost any outfit, you can't argue with Veronica's flavor. Jennifer has no character or soul to her pictorials, while Veronica is always full of eye-catching character. Her body is sexy, her style is familiar, and her act is just flawed enough to be realistically engaging. It's hard to argue that she was the best girl of February, even though she was robbed by the celebrity that was Jennifer (at the time, Jenny was already a coed of the month, something that already gave her some decent exposure). Consensus... Thumbs Down
November 2006 Ashlee Jae (winner) vs. Crystal Alice vs. Amanda Corey
I originally wondered how Ashlee Jae could have nabbed CGOM honors with other contenders around. She was a weak candidate... pale skin, inconsistent looks, and a bit oversized. But after seeing her competition in November of 06, there's not much of a question. Crystal Alice looks best with her clothes on, and although Amanda Corey's smooth looks are quite sexy, they're still not memorable at all. Ashlee won it with her voluptuous appeal and dark contrasts, which certainly made her worth remembering. Consensus... Thumbs Up
May 2006
Breann McGregor (winner) vs. Thea
It's already a long shot when you've got a single word entered as your Cyber Girl name, but it doesn't help that you have to face off against the future Cyber Girl of the Year. Thea was dead from the start when she was chosen for May's CGOM race against Breann McGregor. But was she really that overmatched? She brought a gorgeous face with her bronzed, godlike body. It was her stare that really captured the camera well, with those eyes tilted high and grasping the camera. But then again, Breann was NOT a fair matchup. She's just too flawless and photogenic to be beaten. Consensus... Thumbs Up
March 2007
Daniella Bae, Marie Francis, Kylie Jayde Anderson, Alexia Mason
March was truly a terrible month for Cyber Girls. All four look like future flops that wouldn't be able to compete in any other month. Both Daniella Bae and Marie Francis are barely worth mentioning, since Daniella is a trashy stripper-esque cookie cutout, while Marie looks too plastic for her own good. Kylie sports a fresh face and a body that's nothing to sniff at, but her posing abilities are horrible and uninspired. Alexia Mason is on and off... she has her moments of genius, like anytime she's lying down, like here and here, but there's little else for her to offer.
Prediction: Kylie Jayde Anderson
April 2007
Patrycja Mikula, Nikki Fiction, Adriana, Gianna Lowe, DeAnna McCarver
April is a bit better than March, but not by much. By the looks of it, the CGOM's of the future have a lot of catching up to do in order to impress anyone. Patrycja is a pretty girl, but will need to work on her posing skills to get me riled up. Her smile looks a little fake, as well, but no one's complaining about her body. I can't say enough bad about Nikki Fiction... she's trashy, small-breasted, and just looks unclassy. If Playboy was trying to throw a curve ball by busting out the rocker chick look, it definitely wasn't working. She's a good try, but c'mon... try increasing her breast cup a few sizes (34A?? COME ON!) and then check back. She might just be intriguing. "Adriana" is a pretty girl, as she looks wistful and dreamy in some photos (see pic 9), but she's no winner. A bit pale, I think. Gianna is a short, rock hard girl who's got a petite, tough body and a unique, cheery look. She's pretty and has a versatility to her that's lacking in the other girls this month. DeAnna, the last girl, has a great body, but when it comes down to it, a face that can't please. Sorry, honey.
Prediction: Gianna Lowe
May 2007
Cristal Camden, Shandie, Cherish Lee Crum, Stephanie Olson
May proves to be a step better, with some interesting candidates and an improving cast. Cristal Camden isn't one of them, though. She's a 26-year old with the face of an older woman, but the body is just right. But with that aging look, how can that excellent body ever shine? Shandie is another girl who's a continuation of the Nikki Fiction story of last month. She's a rocker chick who's decked out with trashy lingerie and a haircut from hell. But, she's got a nice, slender body, so that makes up for what Nikki completely lacked in that department. Leaning a little bit off the trashiness could make her a dark horse contender, but it's doubtful. Cherish Lee Crum is a black girl who's really very beautiful, and caught me off guard with what she's done. She has an incredible natural look complete with a lovely face and a leggy body. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing if she can bring more to the table. Topping off the month is Chicago girl Stephanie Olson, who I mentioned in an earlier post. She caught my eye with her sex-filled gaze and golden goddess-like features. Definitely worth watching out for.
Prediction: Stephanie Olson ... although my favorite is definitely Cherish.
June 2007
Carlotta Champagne, Jenna Jordan, Jo Garcia, Laurena Lacey
The month of June is a promising one for bringing home a good CGOM. A picture of Carlotta Champagne enticed me at first, but I found her to ultimately be flat, but pretty nonetheless. Her thighs were a bit large, but she makes up for it with her bright-eyed beauty. Next is Jenna Jordan, who resembles a typical Hefmate, a classic blonde bombshell. She's not the most unique girl on the block, but she might get that Hefmate advantage in the final running. That would be a shame, because you have great competition in Jo Garcia, who's a fresh face, and a welcome new look. Jo is a 27-year old New York girl with a face that can make your jaw drop. Combine that with tall (5' 7"), perfectly subtle curves, and you have a true winner. Check out this photo of her sprawled out in bed, and tell me you don't wanna see a month's worth of that dreamy specimen. Lastly, Laurena is a girl who's a bit unsure of herself in her photos. She has a body to die for, but needs something a little interesting to truly set her apart.
Prediction: Jo Garcia
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